Engine Components
Spark Plugs

Spark Plugs
Spark plugs ignite the fuel mixture in the engine cylinders. They can become fouled from excessive choking when trying to start a carbureted two-stroke engines or when laboring to start cold engines. This can cause the engine to run rough and eventually stall, so always carry spare spark plugs in your emergency kit.
Clutch Cover and Drive Belt
The clutch cover should always be in place when operating your snowmobile. Snowmobile clutches are precisely balanced and under tension by powerful springs. Severe injury and damage can occur if released improperly, therefore, only a qualified mechanic should adjust the clutches.
The drive belt is gripped by the clutch as the snowmobile throttle is engaged, ultimately driving the track to make the snowmobile move forward. Drive belts will wear out from normal use, sometimes lose chunks caused by excessive wear or poor alignment, or completely break apart from excessive wear. As the drive belt begins to wear, you may notice poor performance,

Clutch cover and drive belt"
loss of speed, slippage, clunking or squealing from the belt. In these cases the drive belt will need to be replaced. Always carry a spare drive belt that is in good condition.
Always follow manufacturer's recommendations outlined in your owner's manual when replacing the drive belt. In a nutshell, the clutch cover will need to be removed, the large drive clutch spread apart to enable removing the old belt; replace it with a new belt by reengaging the belt inside the clutch and then finally replace the clutch cover.